西雅圖城市大學 City University of Seattle 美立達留學遊學中心

City University of Seattle

9/16/2010 Shelly


8/9/2010 Shelly 參加ESL課程






5.City U位於Bellevue,離其市中心車程只約5分鐘,搭公車的人下車後約走12分就到學校。


*Listening & speaking~老師會出討論的主題,在家自行上網找相關資料,隔天在課堂上各自發表並討論


*Writing & Grammar~~依照課本進度上課



1.    教學方式可以接受

2.    學生人數少故會併班上課,我們班只有4人,卻是三種level混在一起上課(2~4)。人少老師很容易叮人。


1.    我都自己跑去Seattle downtown 閒逛,西雅圖市區公車多且路線簡單易懂,市區內在06:00~19:00時間內搭車都是免費的

2.    暑假期新生人數少,學校辦的活動好像都沒有成行(例:帶新生遊Seattle、國慶日看煙火、Bite of Seattle festival等)


1.    學校吸引我的地方:離我借宿的地方很近

2. 收集其他台灣學生會申請到City U 上課的原因多為:托福分數不是很高,希望能快速進入研究所課程,只要依序修完

   ESL的第6 級課程(很容易過關的)。

3. 據已正式上研究所的學生說,他們晚上課程的同學,有不少是當地上班族再去進修,所以談論的內容都很有深度及實際經驗。

4.    希望改進的地方:併班不要跨太多level混在一起上課。


我們班只有4人,二人台灣人、二人泰國人,另外一班(level 4 & 5)也才5人


1. Bellevue附近房價及物價均高(公車每趟離峰2元、尖峰2.25元),學生住宿成本貴,若要便宜一些則會住的較遠


Great for someone working full-time and going back to school

by Michelle Q.

I earned my masters degree from City University. The location and class availability was perfect for me because I work full-time. I was able to attend classes in the evening and be home by 9pm. Sure, the classes can be long but it is worth it because you only go a couple of nights per week. You can also take classes online if you wish and take proctored tests in the City University library. Most of the instructors were good and the grading was fair for the most part. I had a dispute where I was given a 3.9 and with the points I had earned it should have been a 4.0. I went to the head of the department and the situation was addressed and corrected immediately, so I was pleased with that.


Hi, my name is Alan Sun, from Taiwan. I am an MBA student in City University of Seattle, Bellevue campus. My passion is to help students who are experiencing new culture and life in America. I am here to provide helpful advice on housing, transportation and communication. I would also like to encourage you to attend our student activities. I am more than happy to listen to your concerns and correspondingly give suggestions and advice. As an international student, I fully understand the culture shock you may encounter, so I am here to walk you through the difficult time. Please, do not hesitate to contact your advisor or any of student mentors. We are here to help you! More than that - our hope is that you can enjoy your studies in City University of Seattle.


Hello! My name is Kimky Mieng, and I am a Chinese Vietnamese. I have been in City University of Seattle’s MBA program since summer 2009. I got my undergraduate degree in Vietnam. My major was Japanese and minor was Business. My hobbies are travelling, playing badminton, doing yoga, and swimming. I also like to hang out with friends. I am glad to be one of the International Student Mentors. Through the activities provided by International Student Mentors, I have a chance to improve my social life and enrich my student life in America. I hope to help you to do the same!


My name is Tao from China. This is my first mentor program at City University. I graduated in Montreal, Canada with a bachelor degree of Computer Science. Currently, I am pursuing MBA at CityU and will be graduating at the end of 2010. I have been as an international student for almost 7 years, and have been through the culture shock and difficulties. I would love to help you to go through your studies at CityU. More about me, I am currently in Student in Free Enterprise organization (SIFE) at CityU. My position in SIFE is Green Sustainability Project leader. I spend my spare time mostly in outdoor sports like basketball and soccer. Also, I like to play guitar sometimes. I hope to meet you soon. Thanks!


Hi, my name is Pinyarat Mangkla, you can call me “NAT”. I am from Thailand. I came to the US 3 years ago, after I graduated my bachelor degree in my country. I used to live in LA for one year and in Portland for almost a year. I decided to come to the US to study in graduate school; however, I spent my first year travelling around the US (I love travelling). So, now it is time for me to study!!! I started my MBA at CityU last winter, so now it is my fourth term. I am really interested in learning about different cultures and meeting new people. Moreover, I know that there are a lot of problems and confusion international students could face, especially communication problem. Also, they need to adjust their lives to new environment, so they need someone to help or guide them to make them feel more comfortable with these different surroundings. Therefore, I am here to help you! I hope I can use my experience as an international student to help you set your new and wonderful life in the US. I am looking forward to meeting you soon!